Argh. I've been going through my stuff today, and... it's a bit chaotic. I have moved a lot in my life, last time was in May. What the heck, let's count the places:
- Finland: 9 places in Turku, 7 in Joutseno, 3 in Rauma, 1 in Harjavalta, and 1 in Rauha = 21
- Iceland: 6 places in Reykjavík, 1 in Eyrarbakki = 7
- Italy: 1 place in Perugia, 1 in Cagliari = 2
- USA: 1 place in Harrisonburg, VA (4 times) = 1
Looks like I've lived in 31 different places this far, and sometimes I've moved back and forth, between old places... and there was a period of ~10 years when we didn't move, so it's like 2 new places a year on average. I'm such a gypsy. I wish I had a treasure though.
Like I said, I moved here in May, and before that I had moved from Iceland to Finland, so I didn't have that much stuff. It's funny though, how it just accumulates even if you don't buy anything. Today I decided to throw my stuff and clothes in 5 piles:
- crap - yey for black trashbags
- flea market - stuff that I don't need, but doesn't belong into a trashbag
- storage - stuff that I don't want to throw away, but I most likely won't be needing in BCN (old diaries, some books, an expensive cutlery set I got as a graduation gift, etc.)
- storage/BCN - stuff that I will eventually bring with me to BCN, that will stay in the storage until then
- BCN - stuff that I will take with me next month, has to fit into 2 bags of 20kg.
And here's how it looks like right now:
This was when I only had 3 piles (and a trashbag): storage/BCN (next to the pillow/blanket mountain in the back), flea market (on the right), and omglolwtfhelp (rest of the stuff). I also have stuff that I'm gonna give to my mom and my brothers. It feels bad to get rid of some of the stuff, but let's be honest: if I have a beautiful pair of shorts that I bought from the States for $3, never wore them but still took them around Europe with me, I am not going to wear them in Spain. Someone will most likely find them at the flea market and jump for joy. And as soon as I'll feel comfortable wearing shorts again, I will buy a kick-ass pair of them.
The piles are calling for me. But before I go, I want to share a picture of my lovely little brother, who was named yesterday. I'm his godmother, and very proud. He's 2 months old, and in this picture he's getting acquainted with a fox I got for him.
Kettu Repolainen, me, and little Feetu. <3 |
I will miss him terribly... but he will come visit his crazy godmother, and together we will quest through the lands of Catalonia, or wherever life takes me.
Ah. More tea, some Michael Jackson, and those damn piles. Ta ta.